Everyone has their list of shows cancelled and gone too soon, I have put together my list of ten shows that I think deserved another season or more. I always like to see where my list differs from others, let me know in the comments below if I left off one of your favorites. Shows […]
5 Ways to Keep the Sound Guy Happy
Photo Credit: VideoVillain! One of the most overlooked departments on a film set is sound. The sound department for some reason is forgotten or not thought of at all, but they happen to be one of the most important departments on a film set. As a member of the grip and lighting departments there are several […]
Script Breakdown
When it comes to a script breakdown there are multiple categories to consider. You can use programs such as Movie Magic Scheduling, which can be purchased on amazon or Final Draft Tagger, also available on amazon. These pieces of software are and amazing help for your script breakdown but if you cannot afford the software […]
Free Script Breakdown Sheets
A free script breakdown sheet has been added to the free stuff section for our readers! To learn more about breaking down scripts and making use of these breakdown sheets check out our post on Script Breakdowns. This is a very detailed post that goes through the ins and outs of breaking down a script, give […]
Hand Signals for Lighting Technicians Tutorial
Below is a very basic tutorial on Hand Signals for Lighting Technicians. These hand signals are very commonly use by the grip & lighting departments and DOP on many film sets across North America. Although not every single hand signal will not be used exactly as seen in the video, it can still be very […]
Working as a 1st Assistant Director
One thing I didn’t really understand until I started working on sets was the role of the assistant directors. In this three-part blog I will break down the roles of the 1st Assistant Director, 2nd, and 3rd. Let’s start at the top. The role of the 1st Assistant Director is a very important one on any […]
5 Tips for Aspiring Writers: Become a Better Writer
One of the hardest things for me about this website is writing. The content almost writes itself, since it’s all based on personal experience and conversations had with members of the local film community, but spelling, grammar and formatting are killer. I am by no means a “writer” and English just happens to be my […]
5 TV Shows Never as Good as Their First Season
There are a handful of TV shows that I have started to watch over the past few years that have never been able to top their first season. I loved the first seasons of the following shows but after that it was never the same or as good. The following five shows put too much […]
5 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Hired.
Have you ever wondered why you aren’t getting as many calls as you would like? Have you wondered if people are talking about you behind your back? It’s something you may or may not think about often when working in the film industry and as unimportant as it may seem it really does matter what […]
10 TV Shows that Should Have Quit
Everyone has their list of TV shows that either went or have gone on too long, I have compiled my list of ten TV shows that I think should have thrown in the towel long before they actually did or have yet to do. Here’s my list: Happy Days was the creator of “Jumping the […]
Building your Kit & Earning Extra Income Through Gear Rentals
Do you want to make more money or money while you’re sitting at home? A big part of making good, easy money in the film industry is earning kit or rental fees. Not all jobs or positions will allow for rentals, but that is how many cinematographers and technicians make a good chunk of their […]
Film Set Horror Stories
We here at How to Film School think it would be fun to start sharing some of our crazy and ridiculous on set horror stories. Everyone has them, some of us more than others; we want you to share your most ridiculous film set stories with us in the comments section below. The first story […]