Below is the G, H & I section of our film and television dictionary. Our goal is to create the best film and television dictionary the internet has ever seen. If you have an terms you would like to see added to our section feel free to get in contact with us.
Film & Television Dictionary – Letter I
IATSE: International Alliance of Theatre and Stage Employees. Check out their site.
IBEW: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
In the Can: A finished / Completed project. “We got this picture in the can”
Insert: A.K.A. Insert Shot – A quick close up shot of an object that inserted in an edited segment or scene of a film.
Insert: Car: Vehicle used to tow the “hero car” for moving shots. Camera and lights are usually mounted on the insert car.
INT.: Interior. The short form of INT. and EXT. are uses in scripts to designate where a scene takes place.