I have to say that 2011 didn’t really do it for me when it came to going to the theater to see a movie. I only went to see a handful of movies last year and I didn’t find that I was too excited about many of last years releases. Aside from Drive, I can’t say I was blown away by movies in 2011.
On that note, 2012 is feeling like a much better year for the movies. I have put together my list of the top 10 movies of 2012 that I am looking forward to seeing in the coming months. Some of them got me with a great trailer and some of them are just based on the early buzz. Here is my list:
The Avengers
This one seems like a no-brainer to me, the early reviews are in and The Avengers is not to be missed. Not only does it combine some kick ass super heroes, but it is written and directed by Joss Whedon. That for me is a win-win. I’ve seen all of the trailers and watched all of the featurettes, now it is time to see the movie. I am really excited about this cast all together in one movie, I love Robert Downey Jr. and Jeremy Renner and I look forward to watching Scarlett Johansson hold her own in a mostly male cast. The Avengers hits theaters in less than a month and I think it will be a great film to launch an awesome summer of blockbusters and really fun movies. The Avengers is available from Amazon.com
Update: I was very happy with this film, it was entertaining and had great laughs and probably one of the most entertaining super hero movies I have ever seen.
The Dark Knight Rises
Having seen the 6 minute clip from The Dark Knight Rises ahead of Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, I know that I am going to love this movie. I am very happy with the additions to the cast and think it is going to be a thrill ride from start to finish. This film has a lot to live up to after The Dark Knight, which was such an amazing movie. Christopher Nolan always delivers and I think The Dark Knight Rises will be no exception. The tone of the film seems to be a lot darker than the first two films which makes me think that I will be on the edge of my seat the whole time. Tom Hardy as Bane is going to be insane, he is going to be ruthless. I think the Joker in The Dark Knight is going to look like a softy compared to Bane. All I know is that I am very excited for this film! The Dark Knight Rises is available from Amazon.com
Update: There isn’t much that I can say about this movie, I loved it! It was everything I wanted it to be and more. A very fitting end to one of he best trilogies of all time!
Moonrise Kingdom
This one is on the list because Wes Anderson is a personal favorite of mine. The Royal Tenenbaums and The Life Aquatic are two of my favorite movies. I love Anderson’s quirky style and unique characters. I saw the trailer for Moonrise Kingdom and it seems to have the same charm and strangeness that I love about his other films. Obviously this one won’t be for everyone but amongst all of the huge blockbusters that will be hitting theaters this year, I am excited to have a Wes Anderson film in the mix to break up the action. Moonrise Kingdom is available from Amazon.com
Update: I thought Moonrise Kingdom was a fantastic little movie about young love, it was so serious which is what young love is like. I am a sucker for Wes Anderson quirkiness and Moonrise delivered!
I just watched the trailer for Prometheus the other day and I got really excited for it. It looks like it is going to be an action packed, sci-fi, thrill ride. I love the cast and I can’t say that Ridley Scott doesn’t impress me, most of the time. It’s been a while since I have been excited about a sci-fi film and I think Prometheus is going to be a good mix of action and fun while maintaining strong performances and good story. Prometheus is available from Amazon.com
Update: Can’t say I was very happy about this film and I don’t think I am alone in that. The plot was weak and a lot of the acting was mediocre. I wasn’t a fan of the poor man’s Tom Hardy and I felt Charlize Theron was completely under used.
The Amazing Spider-Man
I am still a little on the fence when it comes to The Amazing Spider Man, I am not sure we really needed to reboot this franchise but I do like the potential that this film has. I am a big fan of Emma Stone and I was very impressed with Andrew Garfield in The Social Network, I am hoping that the film will be a darker take on Spider Man than the Tobey Maguire films were but the trailer came off a bit too similar and maybe too cheesy for my taste. I am hoping it is just a marketing strategy to get more people into the theater. I will definitely go and see this film but I don’t have the same confidence that I will love it, as I do with The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. The Amazing Spider-Man is available from Amazon.com
Update: This was the only 3D movie I checked out this year and it wasn’t terrible. It was entertaining and I prefer Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man to Tobey Maguire. I was really wanting a darker version of the story but I felt like it was too lighthearted. I also thought it was too dark for 3D. Would have been just the same in 2D.
When I first watched the trailer for Ted, I thought it looked alright but I wasn’t completely into it. I then found the red band trailer and I laughed my ass off. When Mark Wahlberg rattled off the list of girls names, I lost it. I do enjoy Seth MacFarlane and Family Guy usually makes me laugh, so I have no reason to believe that Ted won’t be a great first time film from him. I don’t want to put too much pressure on Ted to be funny because I have been disappointed by a lot of comedies in the past few years. I hope Ted will be different, maybe be this years Bridesmaids. Ted is available from Amazon.com
Update: I loved this summer comedy. I laughed out loud all the way through and nothing is better than Giovanni Ribisi dancing to I Think We’re Alone Now.
The Bourne Legacy
I thought I was done with the Bourne series of films, I’m not sure I paid much attention to the third one but I can’t resist Jeremy Renner in an action movie. I really like the way that the trailer is cut, it’s kind of mysterious and loaded with action. I am really hoping that The Bourne Legacy will be a great movie, I hate when franchises don’t know when to quit. It has all the right parts and the makings of a great summer thriller. The Bourne Legacy is available from Amazon.com
Update: I haven’t checked this out yet but I didn’t hear the best things about it when it came into theaters. I will check it out on Blu-ray one day soon though but my expectations are pretty low.
I really enjoyed Daniel Craig’s first two films as Bond and now that Sam Mendes is directing and Roger Deakins the director of photography, I am more than excited for his third turn. It has been a while since Mendes’ last film and Skyfall is definitely something different for him. I can only assume that Skyfall will be an action packed, spy thriller but with the added drama and sophistication that I expect from Mendes. With Deakins shooting it, I know it is going to look fantastic and Craig is such a kick ass Bond that this film really can’t disappoint. Unfortunately we have to wait until the year is almost over for this one but I am sure it will be worth it.
Update: Haven’t made it to the theater for this one yet but I hear great things.
Django Unchained
I think most people either love or hate Quentin Tarantino’s films, not many fall in between. I happen to be the kind that loves his films. I am excited about the cast of this movie, Leonardo DiCaprio in a Tarantino film makes me very intrigued and also very happy. I would have loved to see Joseph Gordon Levitt in this but unfortunately he has dropped out of the film. I am still very interested in this film and look forward to seeing it when it comes out at Christmas. A Tarantino film is a great way to celebrate the holidays!
Update: I loved this movie! I thought this was better than Inglorious Basterds and just a lot of fun and classic Tarantino. At almost 3 hours long I didn’t mind it for a minute. Christoph Waltz is fast becoming a favorite of mine. I was also a big fan of Leonardo DiCaprio in this, I like seeing him as the villain.
The Great Gatsby
I get to close out the year with two Leonardo DiCaprio films, that is a pretty great thing. Without a trailer, I don’t have too much to go on, other than I love the cast and am a big fan of Baz Luhrmann, it also doesn’t hurt that it is based on a classic novel
. It has been a while since Luhrmann has had a film out so I am hoping that he delivers with this one. Moulin Rouge! and Romeo + Juliet are two of my favorite movies. I can’t wait to see a trailer for this one, I really hope that it doesn’t make me change my mind about the movie. I would love to make this my New Year’s Eve movie this year.
Update: The Great Gatsby has been pushed to 2013 but I am still looking forward to it. The latest international trailer just came out and I am pretty excited for this.
So these are the ten movies that I am looking forward to the most this year, if you think I have missed something that you are dying to see then let me know in the comments below!