When it comes to craft services, a production can either hire a company to take care of it or they can hire an individual. We all know how important craft services are on a set and that the job needs to be taken seriously. In the case of individuals that work independently as a craft […]
Academy Award Nominations 2013
It has been a very good year for movies and with the announcement of the Academy Awards Nominations we now know who the top picks are. I am inevitably disappointed every year by the absense of a nomination and this year is no different. I cannot believe that Ben Affleck wasn’t nominated for directing Argo, […]
7 Major Mistakes Inexperienced Assistant Directors Make
Being an assistant director is not easy work and mistakes can be made. Making mistakes is a part of the job but that being said; learning from your mistakes is one of the most important parts of any job. Everyone makes mistakes but not everyone owns them, be the kind of person that owns up […]
Lets Recap Some of Our Most Anticipated Movies of 2012
I have to say that 2011 didn’t really do it for me when it came to going to the theater to see a movie. I only went to see a handful of movies last year and I didn’t find that I was too excited about many of last years releases. Aside from Drive, I can’t […]
105 Tips for Grips and Electrics to Live by
Working as a grip and electric can be damn hard, there is a ton of gear to learn, the days are long and the work itself can be very physically demanding. That’s why we want to share these grip and electric tips with our readers! We have compiled a list of 101 Grip and Electric Tips […]
What’s your New Year Film Resolution?
Happy New Year! Now that you’re getting over your hangover lets talk about your new year film resolution, that’s right – your new year film resolution! What’s your standard resolution? Eat healthier, get fitter, quit smoking, spend more time with family…those are great resolutions, but have you ever made a career resolution? This year lets […]
It’s Academy Awards Time
It’s awards season again, my favorite time of the year and time to pit some of the years best films against each other. Some will deserve the awards and others will leave me scratching my head. I am working my way through the top films of the year and waiting for the Academy Award nominations […]
Craft Services and Catering: It’s Important
I love food! It is a simple fact but it is an important one because I think a lot of people agree with it. I cannot stress how important it is to have good craft services and catering on a set. No matter what the budget, you can feed your crew well. Check out the […]
Grip Tips: How to Roll Up Sound Blankets
How to roll up sound blankets was one of the first things I learned on my first day on set as a grip. We had dozens of sound blankets in the truck that came from the rental house folded up and the Key Grip insisted they be stored rolled up as a jelly roll. In the […]
Cinematographer Tools: Be a Pro with these 5 Tools
Cinematographer Tools are as important as the tools grips and electrics use on set. Investing in these will be very helpful to your work and ensure you are doing the best job possible. Cinematographer Tools: Light Meter This one is a bit of a no-brainer. A light meter will be a fantastic aid in lighting […]
Block, Light, Rehearse, Tweak, Shoot: The Process of Film Making
Block, Light, Rehearse, Tweak, Shoot. Have you heard this before? One thing I’ve noticed in my time in the film industry is that on many smaller sets the basic way things should run is completely thrown out the window! I admit that on some sets doing a complete crew blocking is not always necessary, but […]
Amazon Film Gear Sale: Deal of the Week – Nov 2012
Check out this weeks Amazon Film Gear Sale! We are playing with a lot of ideas and content right now, so stay tuned for a lot of new stuff coming from HTFS over the winter and new year. To start we would like to share some of our finds on the web with a weekly […]