It’s been a long time coming but I have finally finished putting together the list! Below is the list of our reader’s top 25 movies of the last 25 years. Starting with last place and going all the way to your number one pick for favorite movie of the past 25 years. I think it is a pretty good list, there are a few movies I was sad to see not make the list but I am very pleased with the number 1 choice! Read on to see number one and let me know in the comments what you think is missing or if you disagree with any of the final picks.

The first movie in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy; I think we were all happy to see this interpretation of Batman on the big screen. I am a little surprised to see this film in the final spot on the list seeing as there are others on this list that were not as good but I’m still happy to see it made the cut. Batman Begins is available from Amazon.

300 is probably the best example of a movie I would have expected to see place after Batman Begins but nonetheless it is here in the 24th spot. 300 was a fun movie to watch and had some really cool visuals in it, also there isn’t much wrong with really attractive people doing crazy things in slow motion! 300 is available from

There isn’t much for me to say about this one because I haven’t actually seen it, this may be the only one that made the list that I have not scene yet but of course it is on my “to watch” list now. The Whole Indiana Jones Collection is available of

A James Cameron movie that I actually enjoyed from beginning to end. It feels like an appropriate choice for 22nd place on the list. He doesn’t make movies like this anymore, so while we wait for another Avatar movie let’s watch Terminator 2 again. Terminator 2: Judgement Day is available on Amazon.

I think I would have put this one a little closer to number one than #21, it’s a great movie and it introduced me to Michael Fassbender so I am forever grateful. Some people are over Tarantino but I enjoyed this film and think it is worth multiple viewings. I also really like seeing Brad Pitt do movies that I wouldn’t necessarily expect from him. Inglorious Basterds is available on Amazon.

It has been a long time since I have seen this film, I saw it in high school many years ago and remember finding it very sad. This film was different from what we had come to know from Steven Spielberg but I think his careful treatment of the subject matter really struck a chord with people. One of the highest rated films on IMDB, this one deserves its place on our list. Schindler’s List is available on Amazon.

If I had my way this one would be in the top five for sure, I love this movie! I am however very happy that it made the list, it seems to get overlooked by most. If you haven’t seen this movie you should stop what you are doing right now and watch it and then watch it again. Punch-Drunk Love is available on

It is hard to go wrong with a Daniel Craig installment of James Bond, of the three to choose from Skyfall made the list. Directed by Sam Mendes who I love and who has possibly signed on for two more Bond films, this franchise seems to get better with age. Skyfall is available from

The second film from Paul Thomas Anderson to make the list, Boogie Nights is a great movie with some really awesome visuals. I love the cast in this film and I love the look, there isn’t a PTA film that I don’t love. Boogie Nights deserves to be on this list! Boogie Nights is available from

Another entry from Tarantino, probably one of my favorites from him, Reservoir Dogs is a classic 90s film and is always fun to watch. You are crazy if you haven’t watched this movie yet, you’ve had over 20 years, get on it! Reservoir Dogs is available from

Everyone has seen Die Hard, probably more than once, it deserves its place on our list. Die Hard is another classic 90s film that you can watch anytime. The franchise is still going strong and it looks like there will be another installment in 2015. Bruce Willis doesn’t quit! The Die Hard collection is available on

The first entry from David Fincher to make the list, Se7en is his second feature film and quite an accomplishment. Everything about this movie is fantastic, from Brad Pitt to Kevin Spacey, the cast, story and visuals are wonderful. Seven is available on

I loved this movie when it came out and I still love it to this day. It has a wonderful cast and is just cute and funny and easy to watch, I love when a movie is easy to watch. I can watch this movie anytime, it makes me happy and it is rare that i find a movie like this. Little Miss Sunshine is available from

I think this may be the only film from Wes Anderson to make the list but I can deal with that since The Royal Tenebaums is probably my favorite of his movies. The cast is great, the story is ridiculous and I love the worlds that Anderson creates. The Royal Tenenbaums is available on

Fargo is one of my favorite Coen brothers films and the only one to make this list, I love it for its quirk and its darkness. The cast is perfect and the gruesome yet ridiculous story makes you cringe and laugh at the same time. Fargo is available from

Saving Private Ryan is a great film, I really enjoy the cast and I love the look of it. I feel like this movie spawned Band of Brothers which I think is one of the best mini series ever and therefore I have to love this movie. It is hard to go wrong with a Tom Hanks film! Saving Private Ryan is available from Amazon.

I have seen Gladiator a handful of times but I feel like it is time for a re-watch, I always remember enjoying it but I can’t really remember much of the content. I do love an evil Joaquin Phoenix. Gladiator was a really well received film and deserves its spot on our list. Gladiator is available on

Everyone has their opinion about Inception but I really liked this movie. I thought the cast was great, the action was fun and the complicated story made it different. I was thoroughly entertained watching this movie and it is one you can watch more than once which I think is really important when picking your favorite films. Inception is available on

Ryan Gosling and Christina Hendricks in the same movie, what more could I ask for. This movie blew me away when I saw it, I went in with no expectations and came out thinking “That was the best movie theater experience I have had in years”. The music, the mood, the violence; I love it all. I cannot wait for Only God Forgives. Drive is available from

If you have not seen Goodfellas then I am shocked, this movie is on TV all the time! It is best watched without commercials, as is the case with all things but watch it however you can. There are some really great moments in this film that are part of film history and some amazing performances from the cast. GoodFellas is available on

I love everything about this movie and am very happy to see it crack the top five on our list. One of the best performances Jim Carrey has ever given, in one of the quirkier but wonderfully charming films of the 2000s. I love the music and the visuals, the cast and the story, it is all nearly perfect as far as I am concerned. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is available on

It is the number one movie on the IMDb top 250 movies list so it makes sense that it made it into our top 5. I don’t think I have the same level of love for this movie that others do but I get it and I think it deserves its spot on this list. Maybe it is time for another viewing. You can find The Shawshank Redemption on

When I saw this movie in the theater for the first time on an IMAX screen my mind was blown. I think it was the first time that such a large scale film with huge explosions and massive stunts also had one of the best performances from an actor I didn’t think much of before this film. Heath Ledger made this film even better than I could have imagined. The Dark Knight Trilogy is available from

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a great set of films and I am happy to see them represented on our list; a little too close to number one for my liking but I can get over that. They maybe feel a little bit dated these day but they are epic films that are still fun to watch. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is available on

I could not be happier with our number one choice for favorite movie of the last 25 years. Fight Club is a fantastic film from David Fincher and is probably responsible for me working in the film industry. I fell in love with this movie at an age that probably wasn’t appropriate and have loved it ever since. I can watch this movie any time, I think the cast is perfect, the imagery, the music, the dialogue; I love it all. Fight Club is available on
So that’s the list! Sound off in the comments section below if you disagree with any of the choices on the list, what do you think is missing from the list, do you agree with the number one choice?